Legion Command Summer 2018 Event Results

Over the weekend we held a 12 player event in the north of the uk. In the event we used a win/loss system where you got 1 point for winning 0 for losing. Then for swiss pairings and ties we took Full units destroyed and called this kill points. Here are the final results there was 4 rebel players each with a different list and 8 Imperial players with some list been the same.


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As you can see me and nicky played in this event but we didn’t play our final game so we could commentate on the final game between Rob R and Rob S that will be op on our YouTube today!

The current meta is defo Imperial and veers although there is a trooper spam list and at-st lists both are good and play differently but ultimately the trooper spam 10 activation list is the best list at the moment in most local meta and the global one.


Here are the top 3 lists

  1. Robber Ram ( Activation spam)

Veers, esteemed leader

Stormtroopers, DLT X4

Snowtroopers, flamer, extra man, impact grenades X2

Speederbikes X3

So as you can see this is very similar to nick’s list and the best imperial list i talk about in my video here but he has swapped out 2 Stormtoopers for the snowtroopers units. Personal and talking to Rob and nick this is the best version of the list because it adds more manoeuvrability and threat to the army.


2. Jamie Brewster ( His first ever event)

Emperors Purge (800/800) Empire – Author: Jamie Brewster

General Veers (80) – Environmental Gear (3) = 83 total points

Snowtroopers (48) – Impact Grenades (5) – Flametrooper (20) = 73 total points

Snowtroopers (48) – Flametrooper (20) = 68 total points

Snowtroopers (48) – Impact Grenades (5) – Flametrooper (20) = 73 total points

Snowtroopers (48) – Impact Grenades (5) – Flametrooper (20) = 73 total points

AT-ST (195) – 88 Twin Light Blaster Cannon (20) = 215 total points

AT-ST (195) – 88 Twin Light Blaster Cannon (20) = 215 total points

This is a very strong way to run 2 at sts and jamie has done a write up on his list for us.

I designed my list to mainly play against rebel meta. Different objectives/deployments resulted in different play styles with this list. Battle Lines- using the AT-ST Aggressive to secure points and keep enemy’s off, flame troopers are used to zone enemies into staying still or staying away from the flame troops. So a much more chess style of play, due to snowtroopers manoeuvrability it’s easy to zone enemy units off of certain objectives and areas.

Long March- use the AT-ST as movable cover to advance snow troopers, if we are playing break through, push further forward with at-st while snow troopers wait out of site for units to come into range of double move and steady-attack using flamers and impact grenades. My goal with this list isn’t actually to break through it’s to stop enemy units breaking through, and the AT-ST’s can hopefully make a run to enemy deployment turn 5. I use veers to buff 2 squads of snowtroopers and as an extra body to secure objectives I made the list to 800 on the nose because I want to deploy second and i am better at reacting than acting.

Army weaknesses- Unless a scenario falls my way kill point are hard to come by this was the case in game 2 Enemy opponent can score lots of kill points by destroying the AT-ST’s. Patience, if I move too early with snow troopers I’m losing them, this was the case with game 2 as-well I dominated the game zonally, killed Luke and moved too early with the snow troopers.


3rd Paul Burke (same trooper spam)

•General Veers [85 Points]: Esteemed Leader

+ Corps +

Snowtroopers [68 Points]: Flametrooper

Snowtroopers [68 Points]: Flametrooper

Stormtroopers [68 Points]: DLT-19 Stormtrooper

Stormtroopers [79 Points]: DLT-19 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper

Stormtroopers [79 Points]: DLT-19 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper

Stormtroopers [79 Points]: DLT-19 Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper

+ Support +

74-Z Speeder Bikes [90 Points]

74-Z Speeder Bikes [90 Points]

74-Z Speeder Bikes [90 Points]


Only a few changes here hes gone for more troopers and no grenades so yeah nothing much to say on this one.


We ran a good event and had 18 pieces of terrain on every table so also take that into consideration,  as there was lots of line of site blocking terrain and area terrain.(the way the game should be played)


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